New Product Launch
When LGMS first reached out, they knew what they wanted, a captivating 'out-of-this-world' product launch for their event. Having invited VIPs and ministers to their event launch, we knew we had to capture the audiences' attention with a strong hook within the first few seconds. Pairing a photorealistic environment/textures together with a dynamic animation allows us to drive a lasting visual interest.
Technically Targeted Consumers
Our objective, goal and problem solving was 'simple'. How do we storytell a highly 'technical' product, in a technical industry, targeted towards the average consumers and non-industry (cybersecurity) related audience? To first understand this is to first put on our consumer lens, to research and work backwards. All starting from a consumer's POV, and with the help of our director's Cybersecurity knowledge.
Captivating, Attention-Grabbing Product Commercial
Workin closely with LGMS truly allowed us to fully understand the level of technical knowledge, grasp and understanding that was needed of their cybersecurity product. Being the 'first-of-its-kind' we wanted to honour and respect that homage, by ensuring our 3D commercial stands out not only from a visual or storytelling standpoint, but also ensuring our main target audience could easily understand and comprehend the product's technical prowess.