Spirits Character Animation
The Midsummer event is a swedish tradition that celebrates the longest day in the summer. But it is also known as a festival that celebrates life and love. The Midsummer spirits were characters conceptualized by the agency for this particular TVC, based on the real Midsummer event and its personalities.
IPC Midsummer Event
Similar to our previous project with IPC, this TVC was released to direct and draw visitors to IPC's chain of shopping malls to celebrate the Midsummer festival. Since this event is targeted towards the younger audience and kids, our characters have to be full of life, mischievous and fun! The spirits along with some other plant animals were animated based on those characteristics.
Fun-Filled Characters
Through simple, but fun and vibrant character animations, we got to build little personalities for these spirits. It was our aim to represent these spirits with child-like manner and rekindling the fun and joy of an adult life. With the help of the spirits, we hope these characters were able to deliver that message throughout the film commercial!