McDonald's Festive Film
Creating a stylized 3D animation as part of a sequence in a festive short film.
Stylized 3D Animation
Creating a 3D animation in a stylized, quirky and fun manner. To visually emphasize the family travelling to multiple locations.
Cartoony & Quirky Treatment
One of the few objectives we aimed to solve were the overall cartoon treatment and the storytelling element. Our goal was to visually emphasise and portray the family travelling to multiple locations, all whilst keeping within logistic restrictions.
Story & Visual Emphasis
The team's idea to achieve a low-poly/stylized treatment allowed us to maintain within the comedic 'quirky' treatment of the entire video, and by building a 'map' layout, we also got to visually portray the family travelling around and about to many locations. Staying in-line with the brief and treatment of the commercial film.
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